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Help Orphans Worldwide2023-05-18T12:25:33-04:00

Your Generosity Can Change the World

We invite you to join us in our worldwide mission. In doing so, your generosity can change the world and establish a Legacy of Hope that will ensure the future longevity of the Franciscan order and our service to the poor and marginalized people across the globe. For over 800 years the Franciscans have served both as guardians of the Holy Land and ministering to the poor as missionaries.

By designating the Franciscan Missions in your will or as a beneficiary of various assets, you will share in our lives of witness to the Gospel and service to the poor. Your planned gift will ensure the religious and charitable activities of the Franciscan order for years to come.

Consider including the Franciscan Missions in your will, trust, or other estate planning documents. Your gift can make an impact now or become part of your personal legacy of hope.

Please contact us to discuss the best gift option for you. We pledge to honor your generosity and always strive to use your gift wisely and in the way that you intend.


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