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Planned Giving Resources

The Franciscan Missions want to be of assistance to you in any way we can, whether you are simply looking for general information about charitable giving, considering particular options, or needing our cooperation in the administration of a bequest or other type of planned gift. We realize that many people who plan to support the Franciscan Missions through their estate and/or financial plans prefer to keep their intentions private. However, by letting us know of your plans, we can thank you during your life, and confirm that we are able to fulfill your stated intentions. 

Below are some examples of booklets for Planned Giving that may help you with your future plans and decisions regarding your charitable giving. 

Your Estate Planning Guide 

Whether you are creating your estate plan for the first time or reviewing it for the third time, Franciscan Missions is pleased to offer a booklet that we think could be an enormous benefit to you. Our “Estate Planning Guide” provides you with the opportunity to document the values that you hold dear and the assets that you own, all in one convenient location. 

Request your booklet today

Ten Secrets of Effective Estate Planning 

Many people are intimidated by the estate planning process. Some believe they don’t need a plan. Others aren’t sure how to begin the planning process. This booklet contains practical tips and pointers related to estate planning, written in easy-to-understand language. 

Request your booklet today

The Pitfalls to Avoid in Effective Estate Planning 

Everyone makes mistakes; it is just part of being human. Thankfully, few mistakes are life-altering. And as the old saying goes, “Don’t sweat the little stuff.” But some mistakes can have such a tremendous impact on the course of our lives that we want to avoid them at all cost. One of those GSFM-Planned Giving website mistakes relates to how we prepare for the future: both ours and those whom we will leave behind, whenever that day comes.

To help you plan ahead, and potentially avoid some costly estate planning mistakes, we are pleased to offer you a free copy of our booklet, “Pitfalls to Avoid in Effective Estate Planning.”

Request your booklet today

Thank you for the friendship you share with us and the sacrifices you make on our behalf. If circumstances allow you to include a place for the Franciscan Missions in your estate plan, we would be truly grateful. 

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