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Wills and Bequests

If you have not yet written your Will or Trust, now is the time. You will have peace of mind because you have made your wishes known and have made all the necessary arrangements for your wishes to be carried out. Without a Will, others will decide where your assets go. With a little planning, you can make a gift that helps us care for our sisters and brothers, especially those on the margins of society who are often forgotten. 

What if I already have a Will? 

  • If you already have a Will, it is simple to ask your attorney to add a codicil (like a PS on a letter) that will state your gift to Franciscan Missions. The cost of creating a codicil is minimal, but the impact will be immeasurable.

What can I designate in my plan? In your plan, you can designate: 

  • a specific dollar amount
  • a percentage of your estate
  • a residual amount after your loved ones have been provided for

How do people usually make charitable bequests? 

  • Some friends of Franciscan Missions name us and other charitable organizations as final beneficiaries to receive whatever is left in their estate after providing for other beneficiaries. Others decide to designate a percentage of the assets in their estate for charitable use or to give a certain dollar amount or specific property.

Are charitable bequests made mainly by people who have no close relatives or whose estate is so large that there is plenty left over? 

  • Not at all. Even modest estates today are larger than the average estate of past generations. More people find it possible to make a "gift of a lifetime" through their estate after they know the needs of loved ones are met.


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